Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Special Events


(Sunday Services will be held in church and via Zoom unless otherwise stated)

Monday 1st     The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time restarting on 8th January
      Bible Study restarting on 8th January
Tuesday 2nd 7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 40:1-23
Thursday 4th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study led by Fred Arthur: Galations (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 7th 10.30am   Morning Worship, Holy Communion & Covenant Service - Rev Blair Kirkby
Monday 8th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 9th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 41:1-40
Thursday 11th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 14th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Mr Graham Watson
  2.30pm   Church Council Meeting
Monday 15th 10.30am - noon   The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 16th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 41:41-57
Thursday 18th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    12.30pm   Friendship Group at Hazel's home in Ladyshot
    7.30pm   Bible Study led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians (via Zoom)
Saturday 20th 11.00am   Pop-in Prayer
  noon   Spud and Pud Lunch
SUNDAY 21st 10.30am   Morning Worship - Mr Fred Arthur
Monday 22nd 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 23rd 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 42:1-38
Thursday 25th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 28th 10.30am   Morning Worship & Baptism - Rev Blair Kirkby
  12.15pm   St Andrew's Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship
Monday 29th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 30th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study - led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 43:1-34

Corrections or amendments to the

Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Special Events


(Sunday services will be held in church and via Zoom unless otherwise stated)

Thursday 1st 12.00pm   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Galatians via Zoom
SUNDAY 4th 10.30am   Morning Worship & Holy Communion - Rev Blair Kirkby
Monday 5th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 6th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study - led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 44:1-34
Thursday 8th 12.00pm   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 11th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Rev Blair Kirkby
Monday 12th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 13th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 45:1-28
Thursday 15th 12.00pm   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians (via Zoom)
Saturday 17th 11.00am   Pop-in Prayer
  noon   Spud and Pud Lunch
SUNDAY 18th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Rev Dr David Chapman
  6.00pm   A Vigil for Peace
            at Epping U R C
Monday 19th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 20th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 46:1-34
Thursday 22nd 12.00pm   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 25th 10.30am   1st Lent Morning Worship - Mrs Elizabeth Stockdale
  12.15pm   Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship
  2.30pm   Church Council Meeting
Monday 26th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 27th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 47:1-31
Thursday 29th 12.00pm   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    12.25pm   Friendship Group meet at the Toby Carvery, Harlow
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians

Corrections or amendments to the

Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Special Events


(Sunday Services will be held in church and via Zoom unless otherwise stated)

Friday 1st 10.00am   World Day of Prayer
              in Dunmow
SUNDAY 3rd 10.30am   Morning Worship & Holy Communion - Rev Blair Kirkby
Monday 4th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 5th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 48:1-22
Thursday 7th 12.00pm   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 10th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Rev John Buxton
Monday 11th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Acts
Tuesday 12th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm    Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 49:1-33
Thursday 14th 12.00pm   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.00pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians (via Zoom)
Saturday 16th 11.00am   Pop-in Prayer
  noon   Spud and Pud Lunch
SUNDAY 17th 10.30am   Morning Worship for Mothering Sunday - Mr Graham Watson
Monday 18th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 19th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Genesis 50:1-26
Thursday 21st 12.00pm   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    12.30pm   Friendship Group meet at Hazel's home in Ladyshot
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Ephesians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 24th 10.03am   Morning Worship on Palm Sunday - Rev Blair Kirkby
Monday 25th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study - led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 26th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.15pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 1:1-
            at Hazel & Bob's home in Ladyshot
Thursday 28th noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    6.00pm   Maunday Thursday: a meal, then Worship with Holy Communion - Rev John Buxton
Friday 29th 10:30am   Good Friday Service - Rev Blair Kirkby
SUNDAY 31st 10.30am   Easter Sunday Worship & Holy Communion - Rev John Buxton
  12.15pm   Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship

Corrections or amendments to the

Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Special Events


(Sunday Services will be held in church and via Zoom unless otherwise stated)

Tuesday 2nd 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 1:19-36
Thursday 4th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 7th 10.30am   Morning Worship & Holy Communion - Revd Blair Kirkby
Monday 8th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 9th 7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 1:36-51
Thursday 11th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 14th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Mr Fred Arthur
Monday 15th 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 16th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 2:1-22
Thursday 18th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    12.30pm   Friendship Group at Ann's home in Harefield
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
Saturday 20th 11.00am   Pop-in Prayers
  noon   Spud and Pud Lunch
SUNDAY 21st 10.30am   Morning Worship - Revd Blair Kirkby
Monday 22nd 10.30am - noon  The Hot Cup and a Warm Place Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 23rd 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  2.30pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 2:23 - 3:21
Thursday 25th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
Saturday 27th 10.30am - 12.30pm  Church Spring Clearing Morning
SUNDAY 28th 10.30am   Morning Worship - t.b.a.
  12.15pm   Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship
  2.00pm - 4.00pm  Praise Party with Doug Horley
            for children and young families
Monday 29th 10.30am - noon  Monday morning Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 30th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   no Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur:

Corrections or amendments to the

Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Special Events


(Sunday Services will be held in church and via Zoom unless otherwise stated)

Thursday 2nd noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 5th 10.30am   Morning Worship & Holy Communion - Revd John Buxton
Monday 6th 10.30am - noon  no Monday morning Coffee Time
  noon   no Bible Study
Tuesday 7th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 3:22-36
Thursday 9th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 12th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Revd Blair Kirkby
  12.00pm   Christian Aid Lunch
Monday 13th 10.30am - noon  Monday morning Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 14th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 4:1-42
Thursday 16th 10.30am   Friendship Group leave Harlow for Ongar Garden Centre
    noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
Saturday 18th 11.00am   Pop-in Prayer
  noon   Spud and Pud Lunch
SUNDAY 19th 10.30am   Pentecost Morning Worship - Revd Stuart Veitch
    2.30pm   Annual General Meeting
Monday 20th 10.30am - noon  Monday morning Coffee Time
  noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 21st 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study - led by Fred Arthur: John 4:43 - 5:16
Thursday 23rd noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 26th 10.30am   Pentecost Morning Worship - Mrs Karen Quelch
  12.15pm   Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship
Monday 27th 10.30am - noon  no Monday morning Coffee Time until the Autumn
  noon   no Bible Study
Tuesday 28th 7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 5:17-47
Thursday 30th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew's Gospel (via Zoom)
    12.25pm   Friendship Group meet at the Toby Carvery
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)

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Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Special Events


(Sunday services in church and also via Zoom unless otherwise stated)

Saturday 1st 10.00am  - 12.30pm  Church Cleaning Morning (with refreshments)
SUNDAY 2nd 10.30am   Morning Worship & Holy Communion - Revd John Buxton
Monday 3rd noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 4th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.30pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 6:1-21
Thursday 6th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians(via Zoom)
Saturday 8th 3.00pm   Pastoral Visitors Meeting
SUNDAY 9th 10.30am   Morning Worship & Infant Baptisms led by Revd Blair Kirkby
Monday 10th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 11th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.30pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 6:22-59
Thursday 13th noon   no Bible Study
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians(via Zoom)
Saturday 15th 11.00am   Pop-in Prayers
  noon   Spud and Pud Lunch
  3.00pm   'Wonderful World' Concert by New Edition
            tickets £8 from Eddie Collier
SUNDAY 16th 10.30am   Fathers' Day Morning Worship: Mr Michael Dyer
Monday 17th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 18th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 6:60 - 7:13
Thursday 20th noon   no Bible Study
    12.30pm   Friendship Group meet at Margaret's home in East Park
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Colossians(via Zoom)
SUNDAY 23rd 10.30am   Morning Worship & Baptism - Revd Blair Kirkby
Monday 24th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 25th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 6:60 - 7:24
Thursday 27th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians(via Zoom)
SUNDAY 30th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Mrs Efua Sey Koi Larbi
  12.15pm   Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship

Corrections or amendments to the

Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Special Events


(Sunday services both in church and also via Zoom unless otherwise stated)

Monday 1st noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 2nd 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John
Thursday 4th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
Saturday 6th 11.00am - 3.00pm;  Picnic in the Park
              on the Stow Field (see Special Events)
SUNDAY 7th 11.00am - 3.00pm  Morning Worship - Mrs Karen Quelch
Monday 8th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 9th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John
Thursday 11th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Philippians (via Zoom)
Sunday 14th 10.30am   Morning Worship & Holy Communion - Revd Blair Kirkby
Monday 15th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 16th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 8:39-59
Thursday 18th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Matthew (via Zoom)
    12.30pm   Friendship Group at Hazel's home in Ladyshot
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Colossians (via Zoom)
Saturday 20th 11.00am   Pop-in Prayers
    noon   Spud and Pud Lunch
SUNDAY 21st 10.30am   Morning Worship - led by Alexis Mojzes & Vanessa Botchway
    6.00pm   Farewell Service for Revd Ernie Bosse & Revd Blair Kirkby
                  led by Revd Gill Hulme & Revd Marcia Tull
Monday 22nd noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 23rd 7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 9:1-41
Thursday 25th noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels: Matthew (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: Colossians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 28th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Revd Blair Kirkby
  12.15pm   Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship
Monday 29th noon   Bible Study, led by Revd Blair Kirkby: Luke
Tuesday 30th 7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 10:1-42

Corrections or amendments to the

Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Special Events


all Services & Meetings at St. Andrew's unless otherwise stated: (Sunday services via Zoom also)

Thursday 1st noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels: Matthew (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 4th 10.30am   Morning Worship & Holy Communion - Rev Stuart Veitch
Monday 5th     no Monday Bible Study during August
Tuesday 6th 7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 11:1 - 44
Thursday 8th noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels: Matthew (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 11th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Mr Graham Watson
Tuesday 13th 7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 11:45 - 12:11
Thursday 15th noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels: Matthew (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (via Zoom)
Saturday 17th 11.00am   Pop-in Prayers
SUNDAY 18th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Rev Stuart Veitch
Tuesday 20th 7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 12:12 - 12:36
Thursday 22nd noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels: Matthew (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 25th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Rev John Buxton
    12.15pm   Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship
Tuesday 27th 7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 12:37 - 13:20
Thursday 29th noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels: Matthew (via Zoom)
    12.25pm   Friendship Group meet at the Toby Carvery
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (via Zoom)

Corrections or amendments to the

Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug      Sep      Special Events


all Services & Meetings at St. Andrew's unless otherwise stated: (Sunday services via Zoom also)

SUNDAY 1st 10.30am   Morning Worship - Rev Dr Frank Okai-Sam
   3.00pm   Area Welcome Service for Rev Dr Frank Okai-Sam, as the new Circuit Superintendant and, Minister for St Andrew's Methodist and Leaside, Ware
             with refreshments after the Service
Monday 2nd noon   Bible Study, shared leadership:
  7.30pm   Church Leadership Team Meeting
Tuesday 3rd 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 13:21 - 14:4
Thursday 5th noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels: (via Zoom)
    12.30pm   Friendship Group at Hazel's home in Ladyshot
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 8th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Mr Fred Arthur
Monday 9th noon   Bible Study, shared leadership: Matthew
Tuesday 10th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 14:5-31
Thursday 12th noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels: (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 15th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Rev Dr Frank Okai-Sam
            with JMA Awards presentation
Monday 16th noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Dr Frank Okai-Sam
Tuesday 17th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John 14:15-31
Thursday 19th noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels: Daniel (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (via Zoom)
Saturday 21st 9.30am   Receive and arrange Harvest Display
    Evening   Roast Chicken Dinner & Dessert (£5 - please book by Sept 8th)
SUNDAY 22nd 10.30am   Harvest Thanksgiving - Rev John Buxton
Monday 23rd noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Dr Frank Okai-Sam
  7.30pm   Church Leadership Team Meeting (via Zoom)
Tuesday 24th 10.00am   Stars - Mother and Toddler Group
  6.00pm   3rd Harlow Guides
  7.15pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: John
Thursday 26th noon   Bible Study, led by Arthur Revels (via Zoom)
    7.30pm   Bible Study, led by Fred Arthur: 1 & 2 Thessalonians (via Zoom)
SUNDAY 29th 10.30am   Morning Worship - Mr Graham Watson
    12.15pm   Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship
    2.30pm   Church Council Meeting
Monday 30th noon   Bible Study, led by Rev Dr Frank Okai-Sam

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